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Trail Updates

Trail updates are made in real time on the BRLA app map. Our Trail Updates forum (found in the Members-Only section) also offers email notification when a trail update has been made. We encourage all members to sign up for the forum. These notifications can save you time when planning your runs, walks and rides.

Many of the BRLA bridges have been repaired and rebuilt, however a few remain untouched due to DEC wetlands restrictions. We are working with landowners on these efforts.

Please contact us HERE if you have a trail maintenance issue to report.

Trail Maps & More

Non-rider and rider members are welcome to access the most updated map of trail closures, construction and restricted trails (dogs, walkers, etc.) in the Members-Only drop down menu. This can only be accessed when logged-in. We strongly encourage you to also download the app, which runs on satellite so you'll never get lost or lose your signal (instructions are located in the members-only section). 

If you are a landowner near a BRLA trail and would like to help expand our network of trails or explore new ones, please email us HERE.



  • No wheeled or motorized vehicles of any kind are allowed on the trails.
  • Stay on BRLA trails, indicated by yellow arrows, and adhere to all posted signs.
  • Observe the privacy of landowners when passing close to their homes.


  • No unleashed dogs are allowed on the trails at any time. Obey signs that say NO DOGS, or RIDERS ONLY.
  • Walkers, joggers and cross-country skiers, please slow down or stop when approaching horses. Make your presence known from a reasonable distance when approaching from behind. Horses can spook, posing a danger to the rider.


  • Always ask permission to pass another rider and then proceed slowly. 
  • Do not gallop in wet areas. Treat others’ property as you would your own.
  • On roads, ride single file and move to the side for passing cars. Thank drivers when they are courteous enough to reduce their speed for you.


Trail Signage is key to the success of our trail system. 

  • Green trail signs mark the transition from public roads to private land, open only to BRLA members.
  • Follow the yellow blazes as they mark the trails and keep members on the path.
  • No Riders signs mean the trail is closed to riders.
  • Riders Only signs mean the trails are closed to those not on horseback.

Bedford Riding Lanes Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 178
Bedford, NY 10506